Forex Trading USA: Forex Strategies, Forex Alerts, and Forex Forums

2:57 AM Posted by naeem ullah

My name is Shane Burke. I have been trading forex for three years and have developed a trading strategy that may be useful to you. My favorite currency pair is the EUR/YEN. It moves at a pace that is not overwhelming but is very profitable IF you respect the trading blueprint and don't get greedy. This pair moves with the stock market. For example, if the Dow drops 400 points, more often than not the EUR/YEN probably already dropped that amount in pips the previous day. It generally moves slightly ahead of the action on wall street and acts as a great indicator to buy or sell stocks which is another way I personally utilize the insight gained from following the EUR/YEN. Throughout the week, quality buying or selling opportunities with great risk/reward ratios develop. If you would like, I will email you these opportunities and describe the trading blueprint of each trade within the email. If you agree with my analysis, enter the trade. If not, wait for one that we both agree on.
To receive my forex alerts simply fill out the form below.

Wealth Building Planning

2:55 AM Posted by naeem ullah

This video can change your life if you don't have a trading plan. If you were to buy this by itself it would be more than the cost of this system. The video (as all the others) is complete step by step, and easy to follow.When I watched this video, I was baffled at the prospect of having a trading plan. I had never even thought of it. After watching the video, I have my trading plan set (it's a dozy!) and I couldn't wait to set it in motion.

Here's another video you should really watch (this is a live trade):link...

Get FX Child's Play

2:54 AM Posted by naeem ullah

Getting Started in Forex - This PDF ebook tutorial will guide you step by step show you exactly how to get started in the most profitable business ever. (This ebook normally sells for $97 alone. You get it with your FX Childs Play purchase.)I have read this book, and I really can't believe Farhan is giving it away with the system. It's amazing to say the least.

FX Child's Play Review

2:48 AM Posted by naeem ullah

FX Child's Play - "$500 turn into $1240 in one week " – The Special Report You Need to Read Before You Even Think of Investing in the FX Child's Play System
From The Desk of Jennifer KellyLocation: USAProduct:FX Child's PlayProduct Type: Forex Trading System
"Not another Forex trading system" are the exact thoughts that went through my mind when I came across the FX Childs Play System.
Seriously, how many of these "automated systems" can the internet handle, and is there really a difference between any of them?
I personally have dappled a bit with trading forex, but nothing like a professional. I've tried other forex robots and systems (that cost me in the upwards of $400 a piece) in the past, and to tell you the truth, I didn't quite understand how they worked. Call me dumb if you will, but they certainly weren't "beginner friendly" as they claimed. (Or maybe it was just me. Either way, it was an excellent way to waste my money.)

So you can imagine the doubt I had when I stumbled across the FX Childs Play System. Here's yet another piece of software that claims to "give you the receipe to succeed" in the Forex Market (so that we're clear- FX Child's Play is not actually a robot- it's a system). I sighed a big sigh to myself, and then scrolled down to the price fo the FX Childs Play. What I saw was shocking, and actually quite unheard of. It was only $99 for the whole system, (granted it's an introductory price- I can't guarantee you it will stay that way for long) and it had a 60 day guarantee. I figured what the

The Right Forex Broker

2:47 AM Posted by naeem ullah

There are many brokers out there to choose from, so it is useful to do some research before choosing a forex broker. There are things to look out for choosing a forex broker following:
The spread is the forex brokers generate profits. The spread is the difference between the price at which you can buy a currency and price that can be sold at a particular point in time. When looking for a broker, keep an eye on the costs of its spread. The less spread, money, the more you save and the sooner you will benefit from a store.
A variety of options leverage
The lever is necessary to trade currencies, due to the fact that price movements are only fractions of a penny. In general, the debt is expressed as a ratio between the amount of capital that will give the value of a Forex broker you pay. For example, consider the relationship of 200:1. What this means that the forex broker you pay 200 times the amount of money they provide. Just keep in mind the more leverage you use, the greater the risk of launching a margin call, but it also has the potential of higher earnings and vice versa. In general, when you start with a small amount of capital, make sure that the forex broker you use offers a wide range of options for leverage. This gives you more control over the exposure which should be ready to assume.
A set of tools
Most major forex brokers offer a range of trading tools with its customers. Most brokers can provide real-time price of money and other various tools. Ensure that the forex broker provides the tools you need to negotiate successfully. Other tools include May. link....

Secret of Profitable Forex Trading

2:46 AM Posted by naeem ullah

According to Wikipedia, direct marketing is defined as “a sub discipline of marketing focused on driving purchases that can be attributed to a specific call to action”. This discipline may include marketing and medium-sized businesses that allows you to communicate directly with customers. Some examples include direct marketing, direct mail, e-mail, newspaper, radio, television and of course the Internet.
The main goal of any direct marketing strategy is to increase the number of customers represents your marketing campaign or “response rate” to try to reduce the cost of advertising. The increase in customer response to your advertising campaign will do two very important things. First, increase the number of leads generated by advertising, and two established brand recognition.
The ability to communicate properly with the target audience your company is a very important factor in the success of your business in general. As you learn about direct marketing, keep in mind that persistence really pay.

Forex Online Trading Software

2:45 AM Posted by naeem ullah

Many people have a fortune by investing their money in this market by good Forex online currency trading software, in a short time.
You too can be the happy people. Even if you have little or less knowledge about the Forex market you can still trade and earn huge profits. How? All you have to do a good Forex trading software to install on your computer. Good Forex online currency trading software can automate the entire process of trading for you.
This means that the right settings, your Forex trading software to scan the Forex market to study and identify the best trading opportunities for you. Also, the carrying trade for you while you’re at work or out for dinner.
Money online Forex trading software has many advantages. These are:
• Fast setup and custom setting: Forex trading software can be easily installed within minutes on your computer. You can use this software if you choose. In case you only want the software to give you an assessment of opportunities in trade and alert, it can be done. Otherwise, if you want the software to analyze, identify and make a trade for you to be

Invest into Penny Stocks

2:44 AM Posted by naeem ullah

There are many ways to earn good money from stock market. Costly stocks have shown the tendency of giving moderate returns. Another alternative is to invest in low priced stocks. Such stocks attract many people because of intraday movement in price and high trading volume. The high volume gives you space to earn good returns in very small window of time. It makes perfect sense that you can earn more with same investment in the share market. Here is a resource which makes very careful selection of stocks which do not have high price and are affordable to mass investors. If you are looking for best picks and easy to follow guidelines, come to this website. It offers free newsletter which is delivered in your mailbox. You are saved from investing in random stocks. You can make very intelligent decision to choose and invest into these stocks. All the winning Penny Stocks can be found here at this

Easy Money on Forex

2:42 AM Posted by naeem ullah

There are so many benefits from various and unlimited Forex Trading. Did you know that over 2 trillion dollars are traded every day on a stock exchange? It is difficult to understand how much is 2 trillion dollars, but it happens every day! Some people use books, Forex, Currency Forex, managed account, online commerce software, or just some good old genuine online Forex Trading to meet their needs and obtain expert Forex trader. Which way is needed?
If I could go back in time and pretend I am a new foreign exchange Forex Forex which approach would be to develop expertise in business? Well the first thing I want to do is to take advantage of all the free Forex learning resources on the Internet. Best Forex Trading tool is the ability to create a lot of Forex demo account and free Forex practice account to receive all the training you need to stock before you start investing money. One of the worst things you can Forex Trading that the stock jumped up before really understanding the market and the new understanding, and indeed has proven Forex system that works for you.
Objective Forex trading is easy. Buy cheap and sell foreign currency still higher prices. Sometimes only get a marginal amount of each Forex trade, but sometimes the money depend on the increased trade in the stock exchange and explode. It exploded enough, you would be able to make 6 figures or more per year. The possibilities are endless the Forex market because it is still one of the only markets in which investments are unregulated. There is no limit or cap on your potential earnings. You can become a million in no time. It happens every day to the

Most Reliable Forex Robot

2:36 AM Posted by naeem ullah

Forex robot the most talked about in recent years and we can all understand why … The most anticipated Forex robot in the last 21 years is finally LIVE …
A real multi-robot market condition: Trending, non-trending, moody, nonvolatile … Forex MegaDroid nails 95.82% accuracy rate (of 100 trades, 95 profitable). Old technology-based robots are a thing of the past … no “single market condition” robots … generate a large profit in a market state, to give away when the market is changing behavior.
The robot Forex MegaDroid has a 300.20% net proflt the last 3 months in 2009. That is 100% (a doubling) the performance of every month!
How much profit have to do before? Check it out on my link below and receive free Forex Killer, Forex London rush free, free Gold miner, free Forex Trend Signal and more than worth USD100.PS Forex MegaDroid launched at a special price will go after launch by at least 50%. The options are simple, get the Forex market MegaDroid multi-robot performance special introductory price now or later at a higher price.It is so easy to make money, in fact, if you act now you will make money in the next few hours!
Live you dream of automatic money … free time to do what you want … stacks of money to buy what you want … If you want to leave and not when you can … Certainly be profitable for you


3:17 AM Posted by naeem ullah

I have heard a lot about currency trading or as a lot of people call it, "forex trading".Forex trading is a trillion-dollar industry.I know you are asking, why is a fashionista learning about it?Well let me tell you this, ever heard the term a diva is a female version of a hustler? (enough said!).However did you know people are charging big bucks in Africa especially Nigeria for this? According to uber cool blogger David Ajao,"These “trainers” charge between 15,000 naira and 100,000 naira (between $115 and $781) for training sessions that last for between 1 day and 3 days! Now, how someone can learn the nitty-gritty of a sensitive activity like forex trading in 3 days (talk-less of 1 day), beats my imagination! What such “trainers” only do is to introduce their audience to the basics of forex trading and expect them to figure out the rest themselves. The charitable ones among them give their trainees some printed or CD tutorials, and thus the money spent on training is exhausted."Absurd! Why would you waste your money? When the information is available for free? Well here are three recommendations for you to learn all about it.1.My favorite, Discovered Forex Blog: the number one guide for forex daily trading tips at http://discoveredforex.info2. Currency trading for dummies (free to look inside at amazon)3. Or you could really just go get a high paying job at workforcenigeriaOkay so you got the tips, this has been my business day advice, hope you use it and stop shelling out money when the information is free.LINK...

Forex Trading...

3:16 AM Posted by naeem ullah

Some people understand what a Forex trading really means. But there are also some who don’t know and don’t even understand.
Forex trading or foreign exchange is some kind of strategy to engage in any transactions. This will make possible to purchase the currency issued from one nation to other country. It was conducted to increase the value of the investment. Typically, Forex trades involve in two transactions. This is an idea that acquire currency that wants to increase there value of time. Just like an example is in Europe who has the currency in circulation is Euro while in the USA is US Dollar. The example of this Forex trade is to buy the Euro while sell the US Dollar.
To create a right and good Forex trade, investors needs constantly monitor the exchange rate between the countries different currency. This has typically done through a market maker. Well, it’s not easy for the Forex trader to trade the currency they have. A Forex trader must choose a currency pair that can change in value and place a trade accordingly. Forex trade has been popularly done by many people around the world. This is an easy way to earned money, by just exchanging rates to other currencies in different countries.

Forex Broker...

3:15 AM Posted by naeem ullah

Do people really know what’s a forex broker is? And what’s it’s connect to forex trader? For those who don’t have any idea, a forex broker are the one who makes money from the buyer that pays for the currency and for the seller and of what it will receives for the sale. This is like the way a market maker makes money.
With this kind of strategy, only few people are aware or get involves with forex brokers and foreign exchange trade and even until now. Before only large banks, large corporations or big investors are only the one who grabs the advantage of foreign currency market. But, since internet also widely emerged in the world, many of forex broker are now allowed people to open their own accounts and just trade through in the internet. Anyone who has the interest in trading are now allowed to bigen their trade even in the internet.
Although, this kind of work now are much easier than before because of the internet, being a forex broker is still not easy. To become a good forex broker should provides training and assistance in both. And because a forex trader also needs a good forex broker, you should always provide those two words. And if you can’t have those two, never tried to become a forex broker coz it will not surely fit you.

Forex Market...

3:14 AM Posted by naeem ullah

We know that the largest market on the planet is the currency trading. This is the one that everyone is talking to, a get rich quick scheme on the block. The largest and most active trade happening and make millions of dollars daily. This is commonly referred as the practice of foreign exchange. This also uses to purchase and sale of large quantities. But even though currency trading has many benefits with real equity like the stock exchange this is also a risky business with so much to lose and much to gain also.
But recently this currency trading markets are now very closed to many small investors and the main movers of this in the market place are the large multinationals and of course the banking conglomerates.
Currency trading can be very stressful but yet it is lucrative business and maybe that’s one of its characteristics. And most of the successful traders use only forex trading guide that works for them best from time to time.
In currency trading there are pairs of it that consist only two currencies. Being bought and used to buy the other. Just like exchanging money from one to other countries. And this kind of trading has its own corresponding bid and ask about the price. And in this kind of trading it is also important to know how the currency values changes from time to time. Coz the technique here is to buy the currency when the value s low and sell t when the vale turns high. And this is the best way to make more money not just only penny by penny but millions of dollars. And it’s a good way to earned more without wasting so much sweat.LINK...

Forex Market...

3:06 AM Posted by naeem ullah

A good way to get big money is open for 24 hours a day and that is forex market. It provides a very great opportunity to all traders where they can trade day or even night. At the beginning, it does not give some important but to know also when is the right time to trade is important, because the one of the most crucial points to be successful in trading at the forex market is trading.
It is good to know where could be the best time to trade, and that is when the market is the most active and ahs the biggest volume of trades. The only one who makes profit is the currency that is more active and that moves to create a good chance to catch the trade. And if you catch a slow market, that’s a big waste of time.
Forex trading market offers its investors with exclusive and lucrative investing opportunities. But a 24 hours open market got high leverage, commission-free trading and easy accessibility. And this will help forex to become as one of the most popular invested financial market.
Forex exchange market has played an important role to every people. It does help businesses convert one currency to another. Its also has a good purpose and that is to help international trade and investments.LINK..,

Winning Percentage

3:03 AM Posted by naeem ullah

There is several factors to be considered when evaluating the validity of FAP Turbo software. One of these factors is the winning percentage, which is used to gage it’s profitability. This refers to how many winning trades the software makes and is stated is stated in percentage points. Over the past 9 years FAP Turbo has had an average of over 94 % and is showing an even higher rate when live testing.
Draw Down
Drawdown percentage is another important factor to consider when evaluating FAP Turbo software. The drawdown figure tells us what maximum percentage of capital FAP Turbo has lost. Most automatic forex trading robot softwares has a drawdown of 10% to 20%. But FAP Turbo is at 0.35%, which is why the equity graph is so smooth as stated on the websites statement page.
Now can you really trust the results from the back testing and the live testing shown on the FAP Turbo site?
After studying these results and looking at the live trading performance, I see the software is starting to trade in the direction of long term. Also the trading patterns between back and live test are very much alike. What this means is the robot is using the same rules for back testing as for live testing and that should make the proof results correct and reliable.
Is FAP Turbo Difficult to use?
Those who use FAP Turbo need to try to understand just how this software works before using it. Once understand how the system works you will more confidence in the robot when trading with your real money. You will also see just how simple in theory this is, but you must remember not to underestimate what can happen when a robot is trading with your money. If you are interested in FAP Turbo then you must order now!LINK...

Forex Trading USA

2:55 AM Posted by naeem ullah

The Best Strategies To Make Money From Forex Trading Easy Or Not!
How do you make money from Forex markets? This article will assess the Forex trading usa made easy guide and give you, the investor, some of the best strategies to make money from Forex. First and foremost, you have to understand the market psychology. Who are the biggest players in the Forex market? Banks, central financial institutions and governments, who use their large stores of currency to influence the market. The rest of the market is made up of individual and part time investors, numbering in the hundreds of thousands, from different regions all over the world.
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What we have is a mass market psychology, which reacts based upon rigid boardroom strategies and simple human psychologies. Some might actually call the market predictable of sorts, and it is true - the paper trade has been known to settle into a hyperbole or frequency based upon certain events. You need to understand how the market reacts to economic situations, political problems and upheavals; where the safe zones are in the market and where investors would flock to. Identify the currency pair that you are comfortable with and know what market and external factors are going to affect their behaviour. This is very important in the generation of pips for you as an investor.
Being able to predict market movements means that you can have FX strategies that fit the bill. Also, have some sort of a risk assessment when you do go into a decision. Know what you are getting into, have almost every avenue figured out and prepare to move your money out when the clouds start to turn dark. Take advantage of the full liquidity of the market, being able to change your investment decisions, pull out and change the direction of your strategy.
Understand the quality of the dynamism involved in the currency trade and when you do, you will be able to appreciate how decisions are made and what influences the market most. In the end of the day, it is all about being prepared. Just like any commodities market, literature, study and talking to existing investors are great ways to prepare you for investing in the market. Falling prey to sweeping statements and false promises of online brokerages will not get you anyway.
There is no way that the FX market is the answer to your prayers, nor is it a dream market for these bearish times. Yes, you can make money on the paper trade, and alot of money is to be made. But the simple equation of hard work, diligence and smart strategy are applicable here if you are hoping for any sort of success in the paper trade. This is not making trading easy, as preparing you for what you need to do to make it easier for you. Go in with the mindset that there is no such thing as a free lunch and you will do well. Add to that some good money management and a good head on your shoulders, not to mention a trading robot ( FAP Turbo) and you are sure to do well. And this is forex trading usa.
By: Christopher M Lee
Article Directory:
Click Here to claim your Free Forex ‘Basic Momentum Analysis’ report today! Christopher Lee helps thousands of traders learn the proper way to trade currency. He is an authority on Forex candlestick trading at .LINK...

Forex Market Trading

8:58 AM Posted by naeem ullah

The Forex currency market is open for everyone who wants to learn how to increase their wealth, but it requires not only knowledge that you can obtain with the help of currency Forex market trading guidelines, but also a lot of practice as the practice is the only way to gain the precious experience. The goal of forex market trading is to exchange one currency for another in the expectation that the currency you bought will increase in value compared to the one you sold.

Lots of beginner traders often make the following mistakes: starting their trading without having a strategy and trading lead by emotions. Traders must decide which style and/or combination of analysis works best for them. They often read news, analyst reports, and Web site bulletin boards to get a sense of the general market sentiment and then trade either with or against that sentiment. The forex traders need to be disciplined speaking about a market renowned for its volatility, besides being aware of analysis. Currency traders make decisions by analyzing technical factors and economic fundamentals. Technical traders make their decisions using two primary tools: Charting tools (trend lines, support and resistance levels, etc,) Quantitive Trading Models (mathematical analysis to identify trading opportunities). Fundamental traders analyze key economic data, including news and government reports, to evaluate trading opportunities. The Forex trading world is tough and most newbie traders bail out in the first year. Timing is very important for traders as most securities are volatile and a small change in price can result in big gains or

Forex Money Management

8:47 AM Posted by naeem ullah

This trading information is some of the most important information you may ever learn about day trading.

How come it's so crucial? Well, we're in the job of attaining profit, and in order to create income we must study how to care for it. Ironically, this is among the most neglected fields in day trading currencies. A lot of people are simply troubled to go right into day trading without any respect to their complete account size. They merely decide how often they may endure to lose in a individual market and press the “trade” button. There is a word for this type of investment….it is called betting!

If you day trade without revenue management principles, you're in point of fact gambling. You're not considering the long payoff on your investment. Rather you're just seeking that “jackpot”. Income management formulas won't just protect us, but they'll get us really profitable in the end. If you do not trust me, and you believe that “betting” is the means to become wealthy, then review this example:

Folks go to Las Vegas day in and day out to risk their currency in hopes to come through with a large cash winnings, and as a matter of fact, a lot of folks do succeed. Then how on earth, are gambling casinos still earning profit if many people are acquiring jackpots? The solution is even while individuals win money, in the end, gambling casinos are quiet lucrative since they shovel in a lot of currency from the individuals that do not succeed. That's where the terminology “the house always wins” hails from.

The facts are that gambling casinos are simply really affluent mathematical statisticians. They understand that in the end, they'll represent the ones earning the profit—not the risk takers. Even if John Doe wins $hundred thousand jackpot in a coin machine, the gambling casinos understand that there may be a hundred more risk takers who will not gain that jackpot and the revenue can exit right back in their pockets.

This is a standard illustration of how mathematical statisticiansearneprofity over gamblers. although both suffer losses, the statistician, or gambling casino in that instance, recognises how to contain their losings. Fundamentally, this is how profit management functions. When you determine how to master your losses, you'll have a chance at becomming fruitful.

You prefer to be the affluent mathematical statistician…NOT the risk taker since in the end, you would like to “forever be the victor.”

Currency Trading Strategies

8:06 AM Posted by naeem ullah

A more sustained gain in market volatility confirms that we may be entering a period with larger currency price movements, forcing us to make fairly substantial shifts in our outlook for our currency trading strategies. Online currency trading strategies are simple options for selling and buying currencies at specific prices. There are hundreds of possible currency trading strategies available today. In order for your currency trading strategies to work, you have to understand what makes it move. A journal is an excellent tool for currency trading strategies because you can have an accurate log of what is going on. You have to take the time to study all the technical and fundamental factors that affect Forex trading in order to develop the currency trading strategies that will make you money. Professional traders are backed with profitable trading strategies and a complete trading plan which gives them guidance and the ability to produce profits in any market.
The Forex market however is complex and the strategies involved in scalping ever-changing currency markets for profit is only normally successfully done by experienced brokers. There are currency trading brokers available online that can provide strategies to limit your losses and maximize your gains

Forex Trading

9:08 AM Posted by naeem ullah

Looking for a new strategy or trading system? Trading International’s Forex Automated Section offers a library of forex signals and automated forex software. Our program is designed to assist you in your choice of forex software, brokers, trade tools, demo accounts, live accounts, dealing firms, and all other currency trading needs.
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Practice With a Free Forex Demo Account

9:03 AM Posted by naeem ullah

Our team at Trading International has developed High Quality Software that actually works! Don’t believe us? Try it out for yourself. Forexecutor offers you a FREE demo account so that you can first develop successful forex strategies and then prepare yourself to open a live account.

British Pound Losing its Risk Appeal as Conditions Deteriorate

4:25 AM Posted by naeem ullah

Some of the major currencies are showing strength against some pairs and weakness against others – a sign of underlying currents like risk appetite. However, the British pound was down across the board this past week, and in dramatic fashion. Prominent breakouts are starting to look the establishment of new trends as the struggling fundamental health of the United Kingdom begins to override the appeal the currency once held as a source for high yields. The next few weeks will be critical in establishing where the pound will head, and more importantly, where it fits in the market. BoE Mervyn King says the weak pound “will be helpful” in supporting a feeble recovery
- Upcoming spending cuts and speculation of a cut in the deposit rate means the BoE is running out of options
- The Bank of England minutes show a unanimous vote to keep the bond purchasing program at 175 billion pounds

Some of the major currencies are showing strength against some pairs and weakness against others – a sign of underlying currents like risk appetite. However, the British pound was down across the board this past week, and in dramatic fashion. Prominent breakouts are starting to look the establishment of new trends as the struggling fundamental health of the United Kingdom begins to override the appeal the currency once held as a source for high yields. The next few weeks will be critical in establishing where the pound will head, and more importantly, where it fits in the market.

There is no doubt that risk trends will have an impact on what kind of direction and pace the British currency takes. However, it will likely start to be more of a one sided influence. Should risk tumble in the wake of the G-20 meeting as investors worry the capital markets can’t support their own weight without a government safety net, the pound will likely tumble. There is still a latent build up of risk appetite behind this currency that was fed by the belief that the recovery in the global economy and markets would be exceptionally beneficial for the United Kingdom which is generally considered to be the industrialized nation in the worst shape. As the outlook for a speedy recovery and fades, so too does the picture of London retaking its title of financial center of the world. Yet, what happens should sentiment actually improve? Even then, the pound will likely lag or even fade despite the positive turn.

Over the past weeks and months, it has become blatantly clear that Europe’s second largest economy is struggling to pull itself out of its deep recession; and the time frame for a return to growth is being continuously pushed back. Not only did the 2Q GDP numbers tell us that the slump was more intense than initially though; but we have also seen that policy officials are running out of options to support an orderly recovery. This past week, the minutes seemed to have a positive tilt in that there was a unanimous vote to keep the bond purchasing program at 175 billion pounds (whereas in the previous vote, the was minority dissention headed by Governor Mervyn King for a greater amount). Nonetheless, the central bank kept open the possibility of further expansion of this unorthodox policy. Another step that was speculated to under consideration was a cut to the deposit rate paid to banks that hold their capital with the BoE. This too was written off; but commentary by King and other MPC members continues to stoke speculation that either or both is still a considerable possibility. Without doubt, the central bank is running out of options to jump start the economy. The further the policy authority extends itself without a commensurate response from financial health or economic activity, the more dire the nation’s condition. Considering the government will have to follow through on a serious round of spending cuts in the near future (expected to be the biggest reduction in over three decades), time is certainly working against policy officials.

In the grand scheme of things, economic data is vital at this point; but a meaningful improvement in the outlook will come with time and a wide array of indicators. Nonetheless, there are a slew of indicators to account for next week – and perhaps even a few of them could help jump start optimism. Most prominent, but least likely to surprise, is the final reading of the 2Q GDP numbers. There is rarely a meaningful adjustment in this last recalculation of the data; but the new current account numbers, some spending adjustments or capital investment alterations would be notable. Among the other notable figures, mortgage approvals, net consumer credit and the money supply are important gauges for financial health. The BoE home equity withdrawal figure and PMI factory and construction data is growth focused. – JK

Written by: John Kicklighter, Currency Strategist for
Questions? Comments? Send them to John at

US Dollar’s Performance Over the Past 30 Days

12:58 AM Posted by naeem ullah

The Financial Times has a great graphic today highlighting the US dollar’s performance over the past 30 days: